Specialist rehabilitation classes with injury expert Jean Seah

  • Reduce inflammation & restore movement
  • HICAPS Provider
  • BUPA Preferred Provided

Our Supervised Exercise Classes are designed to be low impact and are tailored by Jean Seah to provide exercises specific to your individual condition or pain, that may be stopping you from achieving your own personal goals.

Physiotherapists utilise advanced knowledge of anatomy and pathology to retrain movement patterns that can assist patients post injury.

Exercises are designed to incorporate movements and tasks either within daily life, occupation or activity/sport.

This type of exercise rehabilitation individualises exercises to each patient, combining functional movement with strength and conditioning, with an overall goal of functional independence.

Exercise is an active treatment, putting you in control – strengthening problem area muscles, increasing their capacity to take load, and reducing movement limitations.

Exercise Physiotherapy can be used both in acute injuries like an ankle roll to control inflammation, reduce swelling, restore range of movement and improve strength, or in chronic conditions like lower back pain – by reducing stiffness, improving movement and strengthening surrounding muscles to prevent future flare ups.

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Pain and stiffness can be caused by tight, weak or underutilised muscles.

And while hands on treatment can help with short term relief, Exercise Physiotherapy can increase strength and range of movement, reducing pain through the use of exercises focusing on increasing capacity to take load, tolerate certain movements or increasing muscle range and strength – making it a long term solution to your pain.

The classes use equipment to assist or resist movement – reformer, cable machines or even the trapeze table – not just increasing muscle strength,  but strength through a range of movements.

Muscle strengthening exercises can also be used to support joints, treating arthritis – with Jean’s supervised classes allowing you to take control of managing your joints and improving your quality of movement, developing your confidence to be able to trust your stable and strong joints.

Contact us for more information.

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